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Showing posts from September, 2017
Unit Readings "Best in Class"  Margaret Talbot 1. Margaret Thlbot spends a good deal of time at the outset of the essay describing the situation at Sarasota High School and then returns to it at the end; however, her primary subject is neither that school nor its students. What is her rhetorical strategy in examining this one school in such depth? 2. In paragraph 14, Thlbot refers to her own experience'in high school. What is the effect of this personal element? 3. Why does Thlbot rely so heavily on interviews with students? Why would this approach appeal to her audience? 4.Does this essay rely more heavily on logos or pathos? Cite specific examples to illustrate your response.

Unit 1: Education Post Viewing Questions

Ms. Labriola Unit 1: Education AP Language and Compositon Please answer 4-6 questions of your choice on the blog. Click here for access. Address all parts of each question and answer in complete sentences. You should also respond to a classmate's post before the start of class on Tuesday 9/12/17. 1. What is the goal of the director in following specific students and their parents in a quest to find and enter a school superior to their local public school? Describe a memorable detail about the lives of these children followed in the film: Anthony (DC 5th grader), Daisy(East LA 5th grader), Francisco (Bronx 1st grader), Bianca (Harlem kindergartner), and Emily (Silicon Valley 8th grader). Why is getting into a charter school so important to each of them? 2. How does the title of the film have personal significance to educator Geoffrey Canada and thematic importance to the entire film? 3. What are the characteristics of failing schools? 4. How have the director's p...